Does Fat and Happy Exist?

photoToday’s post is brought to you by the free wi-fi and air conditioning of a local Starbucks!  It’s hot out there folks; remember to get lots of water to stay hydrated and aid your weight loss!

Today’s topic is one that I’ve been pondering for a while and still haven’t found the answer to.  Comments and thoughts are appreciated.

Does Fat and Happy Exist?

When I was 125 pounds overweight, I thought I knew what happiness was.  I thought my life was fine and I really didn’t notice the inconveniences of being overweight. Even though I wasn’t happy at the base of my life, I thought I was fine with how I looked.  I’ve always been a confident person who experienced lots of love and success. BUT I was fooling myself.  It bothered me that I weighed more than my 6 foot tall husband.  It bothered me to ask if there are any 2x’s in the back.  It bothered me when men would hold doors for other women but not me.

I can say that for me, fat and happy will never exist.  Some people might think this is narcissistic but I don’t think that’s the truth.  The world runs on healthy and beautiful people.  I might not agree with it or support it, but that won’t be changing any time soon.  I believe that being thinner has advanced my career, changed how strangers see me and makes the world generally more accessible to me.  I recently took a flight and didn’t have to worry about the size of the seat.  I’ll be going to an amusement park in a few weeks and will be able to ride any ride I want. When I go to restaurants, I never have to worry about where they might seat us and if I will fit. Why? Because the world is built for the average size person who is healthy and active.  We are not meant to be so overweight. Our bodies don’t want to carry all that around, we just force it to.


When you’re overweight, life is much different for you.  Some of these habits I hadn’t even noticed until I didn’t have to do them anymore.  I can get in and out of stores so much faster simply by being able to squeeze through small spaces.  Men hold doors for me now (more on that later) and people never look at me weird in health food stores or regular clothing stores.  To the everyday public, I just look like a normal girl.

I am now a firm believer in “You’re outsides match your insides.” I’m still dealing with my feelings and reactions when I see morbidly obese people. (again….more on that later) However, recently my gut reaction is DEATH. I think this is because dying early or developing a serious illness from obesity was a huge fear of mine and my biggest reason for getting healthy. I want them to know the risks and get fired up about it.  NO ONE should have to die early from too many cheeseburgers.  When I see someone that is healthy weight and clearly a runner or active person it leads me to believe the are also mentally healthy.  When I see someone severely overweight, I wonder what else is happening in their life that doesn’t allow them to value themselves.


Now, I’ve made some bold statements in this post that were meant to make you think or even argue with my opinion.  PLEASE DO!  I’m still sorting all of this out and am genuinely curious what everyone thinks!


REALLY?!? Are those my only options? What about healthy and happy! I’d like to punch whomever made this meme in the face.

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