Love Is All You Need

Yesterday I celebrated 8 years of marriage with this hot guy:



I am very fortunate to have such a strong partner.  Over the last year, I was busy making myself into the woman I thought he deserved to spend his life with.  Both he and the idea of having a child motivated me to lose the weight and get healthy.  Who wouldn’t want to see this face at 80 years old?  This was the first year that I could write “I’ve tried to be the best wife I could be” in his anniversary card and it be true.

In this past year, Dan gave up quite a bit to support me on my journey to health. He sacrificed time with me so I could sweat a little longer at the gym.  He sacrificed MANY hours thrift shopping for new clothes. He gave up soda, sweets and salty snacks in the house.  If I made a ‘no chocolate’ mandate, he abided. If I asked him to split a sandwich with me so I wouldn’t be tempted to eat the whole thing, he would.  When I asked him to come to the gym with me, he did and threw up every time. Without his constant support, I don’t know that I could have done it.


So today’s post goes out to my number one fan, my partner and love of my life!  While this post may just seem like a ‘I have the best husband in the world’ rant, I’d like everyone to consider the support they have around them.  More times than not, a partner will support you on your road to healthy.  Often when you make better choices they will too! I am very blatant with what I need from Dan.  I say “I need help with _______________” and he does it.  As long as I communicate what kind of support I need, he is happy to oblige. Maybe you don’t have a partner at home but think of a friend.  You need someone to call when you step on the scale and it’s jumped 4 pounds overnight.  You need someone to make you feel bad when you haven’t exercised in a week.  Everyone needs someone.  It’s ok and healthy to lean on others during your journey.  I have been talked off the ledge many times by my hubby and close friends.   They help remind you that you’re human.  Perfect example:

Me: “I feel fat today because I gained two pounds.” (Sad face)

Dan: “Did you gain 10? Aren’t you going to the gym later? Shut up.  You’re hot.”


While that might not seem like a supportive conversation, just those few phrases from him help me remember that I’m human.  I didn’t wake up as my 290 pound self.  I didn’t fall off the wagon.  I’ll lose those 2 pounds again just like I did the first 118. Duh. Sometimes we get so lost in our own heads that we just need a logical response from a friend to remind us that it will never be perfect! So today, reach out to your support group and thank them for being there!  If you don’t feel like you have a support circle, meet up with an old friend or relative and talk to them about what you’re trying to do and try to get them on board.  You’ll need them later!

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