
It’s time to forgive yourself.  In order to move forward with a new lifestyle, you have to let the old you go.  I think this is the hardest part of weight loss.  It sounds silly, of course if you are hoping to lose weight you expect that you’ll change.  However, when it’s actually happening, it’s a whole different ball game.

Forgiveness: Forgiveness is a hard lesson to learn and it’s hardest to forgive your past self.  There is absolutely nothing you can do about choices you’ve made in the past.  You have no control over what you’ve already done.  You can only control what happens in the present and future. You must learn to forgive this person for what they have done to you.


I learned to forgive myself by letting go of who I used to be.  I didn’t want to be that person anymore or make those choices that were causing me to be so obese.  I didn’t like her anymore.  I didn’t want to be disappointed in myself and how I looked anymore.  So I chose to start counting my successes instead of my mistakes.  In the beginning, my mistakes definitely outweighed my healthy choices.  But I learned to compare how I was eating now to how I used to eat.  Every time I made even the smallest of good choices, I counted that as a success.  You’ve seen me write many time about how fast little things add up. Each choice you make, changes the outcome on the scale the next morning, week and month.

So today, stop keeping track of what you do wrong.  Focus on what you’re doing right!  The more you focus on the positive, the more you’ll want it.  The more you celebrate good choices, the more good choices you’ll make and the easier it will get.  Stop it.  It’s time to forgive yourself.

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