Thinner Thanksgiving #2

Thinner Thanksgiving Tip #2: Watch your portions.


Now I know we all know this one.  It’s one of the easiest way to visually recognize your calorie intake.  However, on Thanksgiving, we tend to go over board even when we know we shouldn’t.

I will be taking a little bit of all the normal fixings at my thanksgiving.  However, I won’t be taking as much as I really want.  I’m going to follow this cool guide I found here.


I know that stuffing and green bean casserole are my weakness.  Know what you are going to struggle with before the meal. So I know how much I can take and not get out of control.  Also, especially watch your snacking!  This is where it is easy to rack up calories without thinking about it.  If you are the chef, try not to taste as much as possible.  If you’re the guest, watch out for the cheese tray and dips!  I avoid dips like the plague because I love them and can’t limit myself so I try to have none.  If you are showing up as a guest and you are worried about the appetizers they might serve, I always bring a fruit and veggie tray everywhere I go.  That way I know there will be something low-cal that I can stuff in my face when I really want a cookie.

Don’t forget to eat breakfast! Never, ever skip breakfast on Thanksgiving day.  A lot of people skip it thinking they will be eating so much later that saving these calories now is a good thing.  NOT TRUE.  Eat breakfast so you aren’t picking at all the dips and apps before the meal has begun.  Trust me.  Not smart.

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