The Best Christmas Present Ever

This year I have been shocked by the generosity of family and friends for Christmastime. I keep finding myself wishing I was able to give more or do more for those around me.  It hit me just yesterday that I’ve already given all those I love the best present I could have: my life.

My biggest reason for losing weight was to extend my life expectancy.  I know I say this all the time, but I want more time on this earth with all the people I love. So this year for Christmas, I’m the healthiest I’ve ever been.  While you can’t wrap it with a bow or put it in a stocking, I know my family recognizes my weight loss as not only for me but for them too.

hands giving a christmas gift

Losing weight can often feel selfish. I hear this all the time, especially from women who have children.  Losing weight takes time and energy away from other areas of life.  I won’t pretend that it doesn’t.  However, learning to be selfish for your own health is a great lesson to learn.  Everyone in your life deserves the best version of you possible.  This goes for all areas of life, including health.  So this year, if you’re short on cash or just want to give the best present EVER, make a commitment to those around you to get healthy, whatever this may mean for you.

Remember, if you are already on your own journey, you can’t force those around you.  This year I sent out business cards in my Christmas cards for this very blog. I realized later that this may have been offensive to some.  I was trying to boost the views and get more support for those that are looking for advice.  But, I realized later that maybe some people thought I was sending them a backhanded clue.  But, then I realized I didn’t care.  Maybe if it offended someone, they will think twice about getting on this site.  You can’t force someone else down the path to health.  They have to decide for themselves.  But if you’re ready to start reaching out to others, just let them know you are there for support if they are ever needing it.

So for all of those that thought maybe their gift from me was a little light, that’s because it’s filled with years of extra life and time to spend with you! Merry Christmas Everyone!


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