I’m 30.

Well it’s finally here.  A day that I hoped would never come but I always knew it would; today I turn 30.  While there is a giant list of things I was hoping/wishing to do before I hit 30, I’m choosing to focus on all the things I DID accomplish before 30.


Of course I did all the things you’re supposed to do: married the man of my dreams, moved away, went to college, started a career…… but of course what I’m most proud of is that I got healthy and fit.

I was expecting to wake up and feel older than I did yesterday.  I know it’s silly but you expect to FEEL different.  Well this morning I woke up with all kinds of pops and aches.  For a brief second I thought I was ‘feeling my age’ and 30 had arrived to schmack me in the face! Then I remembered yesterday’s workout which was brutal and definitely the reason I’m sore today.

While there are thousands of things I wish I could have done before hitting 30, I’m SO glad I decided to take care of my health.  How many people, women especially, can wake up on their 30th birthday the happiest and healthiest they have ever been?  I can do things now that I never thought I could do.


I have run two 5K’s.  10670059_10102134237128789_6890645192360412873_n



I attend the gym 4 times away without question and have melted my body fat down to 19%!


I lost 130 pounds for crying out loud.


Most women are hoping to get back into their wedding dress someday.

I’m hoping mine never fits again.


Most women lie on their driver’s license.

Mine is 30 pounds over my actual weight.


Some women are still looking for the love of their life and I already have mine.


So although I’m sad to be in a new decade and say goodbye to the last year, at least I’m the best I’ve ever been! 29 was the best year of my life and I still have many milestones to go. So to repeat what I have said before, (I feel like a broken record lately but apparently someone out there needs to hear it, because I keep needing to say it!) DO IT NOW.  Do it for yourself and DO IT NOW.  The time is going to pass anyway.  I had to turn 30 regardless of how I looked, felt or thought about it.  30 came quicker than I thought it would and I’m so glad I made the commitment a year and half ago to do something about my health.  Your next milestone is coming, don’t you want to be the best you’ve ever been?

Here’s to another amazing year!

One Reply to “I’m 30.”

  1. Hmmm…I’ve got 60 looking at me in a couple of years, Kim. That’s rather scary. I have lost 10 lbs, but I’ve more to go and I’m not “fit.”

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