My Running Zone

This week I started my running training.  It has been both disheartening and exhilarating!

Firstly, I’ve decided not to go with the running schedule that I posted.  I talked to a few runners I know and they all didn’t agree with it.  John, a trainer at the gym, suggested the Jeff Galloway method to me.  So I dove in to see what it is all about.  Jeff Galloway believes in a Run-Walk-Run method to get to your target running pace.  You pick how fast you want to run your miles and then follow his plan.  You can read about it here.

I gotta say, I was sold when I found out I could walk!  I’ve never envisioned being able to run the whole half marathon without walking.  My goal is to cross the finish line knowing I gave everything I had.  I don’t even really care about my time as long as I’m true to myself.  So on Thursday, I set out for a run.  I had just read about the Galloway method that morning and decided I would just run and see what happens.  Maybe I can run longer intervals than I think?


Training Day 1 – 4 miles

When I woke up, it was cold and raining.  I had already told myself that I didn’t HAVE to go while still laying in bed.  However, I gathered my will power and put my shoes on.  I headed down the 5K course and actually stayed on the right path this time!  I ran 10:30 minute miles and stopped a lot.  Took pictures…..looked around…..lollygagged.  I couldn’t get myself to fall into the runner’s zone for more than a minute or two.  I noticed every person that ran by me and every car that passed. After 3 miles, I ended up at the light across from my apartment building.  The sun came out!  As I was standing and waiting for the walk light to turn, I said to myself, “You’re not dead. You can go for another.” So I did.  I ended up running 4 miles even though I only planned to run for 3.

After I got back, I felt strong and not totally dead.  But when I thought back on HOW I ran, I was disappointed.  I felt like I walked a lot even though I really didn’t know how much of it.  I was ok with my times but devastated with my focus.

What Goes Through My Head While I Run:

“Is that goose looking at me?”

“My (blank) hurts.” (Insert ANY part of the body)

“Where did she get those shoes?”

“That guy was hot.”

“Oooo.  A cloud.”

“I think that dog was giving me the stink eye.”

“Holy wedgie.”

“I hate this song.”

“God I hate running.”

“Why am I doing this to myself?”

So my first day running without the Galloway method was ok but not great. I got a good feel for how I naturally run……..which is very distracted.

Training Day 2 – 6 miles

Because I had run the course two days before, I knew exactly what to expect on today’s run.  I set out knowing that I would have to run the 5K course…….twice.  Today, I was going at it with a little different approach.  After reading more about the Galloway method, I figured I would give it a try.  It makes a lot of sense.  Also, in boxing, everything is timed.  I usually work at 2 minute rounds with 30 second rest.  While looking at the Galloway chart, I adjusted the times a little and chose my own interval.  I wanted to do 3 minute runs with 30 second rests.  Why? Because if I’m consistently running for 3 minutes with rest, boxing intervals will seem shorter being only two minutes.  And I know I can recover my breathing in 30 seconds and don’t need a full minute.  IT WAS MAGIC.

My brain is already programmed to working at intervals from boxing.  I never thought to use it for running.  DUH.  Today was the first day I ever visited THE RUNNER’S ZONE.  I have been struggling with this for some time.  I’ve even begun to think I’ll never be able to run the marathon like I want to.  I want to run it focused and determined and not be thinking about geese or pedestrians or self doubt.  So today I ran three apps during my run:

MapMyRun – For distance GPS tracking

Pandora – Who knew I’d love Eminem when I run?

RoundTimer – Totally customizable to how long you want your intervals

AND IT TOTALLY WORKED.  Instead of worrying about how much farther I should run before I walk, instead of thinking about how bad I want to walk, instead of thinking about how long I’ve already run, I just ran.  I set my timer to three minute runs with a 30 second warning and then a 30 second rest.  I was able to zone out so much better just because I didn’t have to worry about when to walk.  My music just told me.  A knock for the warning, buzzer to walk, and a ding to start. For my brain, this was a magic cure.  I’m already used to strict focus, activity and expectations for short intervals.  It was like the timer gave me permission to walk.  I wasn’t even strict about it.  Once or twice I ran through the rest.  Once or twice I rested an extra 15-20 seconds.  After the first lap, I was more than ready for the second. I knew I could do it even though I’ve never run 6 miles before.


It was also easier for me to understand how much work I had left to do.  I started to struggle at mile 5 because my feet were hurting (More on that tomorrow!) but then I started thinking…….3 rounds to a mile…..2 miles left…..that’s only 6 rounds! How many times have I gone 6 rounds with Jameson and didn’t die? How many times did I think I didn’t have another round in me, but I did? How many times have I been much more worn out than this and kept fighting? 6 rounds? I got this.

Today was the first day that I know I can do the marathon.  Not just cross the finish line.  Not just hope for the best.  Today is the first day that I know I’ll be proud of how I ran.  6 weeks to go!

Favorite New Running Anthem: Eminem – Till I Collapse


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