Awesome Moms

Sometimes I feel very fortunate that I have so much time to focus on my own goals.  I know a lot of you have kids and struggle to balance both.  I would never claim to know what that’s like!  However, I do know that there are mothers out there killing it! It can be done.


My sister is a stay at home mom and home schools her children.  All my life I’ve envied her for being built like our father.  She’s tall, thin and beautiful!  I just always assumed she was naturally this way.  However, now that fitness and health are more a part of our conversations, I realize she works hard to look how she does.  From what I know, she’s never struggled too much with her weight.  However she does work to maintain how she looks.  She does crossfit videos, stays active with her kids, runs and takes care of the house and kids.  Amazing!

My friend at work, Nikki has a four year old boy.  She joined me on my journey this past school year to get healthier.  At first it was difficult for her to find the time to add fitness into her routine.  I know she experienced a lot of guilt for taking the time away from the family.  However, as she dedicated some time here and there, she found she had even more to give to her family when she got home to them.  She also found ways to incorporate her family into workouts such as playing at the park or dance parties. She’s now a short distance runner and adding years to her life with her family.


When I look back at my childhood, I don’t think it was too active or health focused. (sorry Mom!) I watched my mom yo-yo diet and exercise and be self-conscious about her appearance.  We ate at mostly at home and had our own garden. Where I struggled was balance.  No one taught me it’s ok to have a milkshake if ____________ or desserts are for _________.  These were lessons I had to learn that hard way.  In the recent past, I’ve noticed some super moms out in public. Recently I was walking my dog in the park in the morning.  I came across a Mom pushing one kid in a stroller and another was walking.  As I passed she said, “Ok.  Let’s race to the dumpster down there and the we will go have lunch.” They ran the whole way laughing and racing.  I thought to myself, not only is she incorporating her children into her workout, she’s teaching them that exercise comes hand in hand with eating.  Several months ago I saw a mom at IKEA that I don’t think I’ll ever forget. During this time I was really struggling with answering the question, why am I fat?  So I’d already been thinking about my childhood and my models for health.  She had two kids with her, a boy and a girl.  At our IKEA they have a super cool escalator/moving sidewalk thing.  The mom and girl headed for the stairs while the boy headed for the escalator.  The mom said, “Remember we have to use the stairs if you want to have ice cream.” The boy thought about it and then chose the escalator.  When he got to the bottom, his sister was teasing him that he couldn’t have ice cream.  Even though it wasn’t obvious or explained, that mom was teaching her kids balanced eating.

So, to wrap up, I don’t know how mom’s do it but it CAN be done.  Go for it moms! Think about what you’ll be giving back to your children by getting yourself in a healthy state!

One Reply to “Awesome Moms”

  1. Aw, thanks!! Will has started joining me on runs. Well, he rides his bike. It’s totally fun. I still need my “me time” long runs, but it’s so fun to have this much fun being a positive example!

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