Christmas Eve Workout

Today I wanted to workout even though it’s a ‘holiday’ just to put my mind at ease about all the junk I’ll be eating!  Also, I feel much better taking tomorrow off since I went today.  I usually attend classes where I just do what I’m told.  Today was a rare occasion where I worked out all alone.  Here’s what I did


Cardio: 15 minutes of running.

Weights:  12 Machines, 12 reps, Twice

Agility:  500 jump ropes

Abs:  50 reps between each 100 jumps

Time: 50 – 55 mins



Cardio: I always start with cardio to get it out of the way.  Also, it raises your heart rate for all the other exercises you are about to do.

Weights: When you’re looking to a full workout, it’s important that you do multiple muscle groups and not concentrate on one area. If you are a consist weight lifter, it’s ok to focus on 1-2 muscle groups at a time, but I’m used to full body workouts.  I did the following machines, some of these names I might have made up:

Leg Press, Box Jumps, Fly, Leg Curl, Leg Extension, Pull Ups, Tricep Dips, Biceps, Triceps, Shoulder Raise, Chest Press, Lateral Pull Down

Again, 12 reps each and 2 rounds on each machine.  I like to do my rounds one at a time and then go through again.  Most gyms have a ‘circuit’ of machines already set up.  Be sure to adjust machines so you don’t injure yourself.  I was lucky enough to be the only person using them so the second round took way less time because each machine was already set up for me.

Agility and Abs: It’s easy to just skip these two things but they make a huge difference.  Remember the Ali quote “Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee?”  Well agility is essential to get the ‘athlete float’.  I love jumping rope because it’s also cardio.  Here’s the ab exercises I did, again, I think I made some of the names up:

50 Pike leg raise (arms and legs straight, raise to touch at the top), 100 Cross body air bike (alternate elbow to knee), 100 Medicine Ball bounce side to side, 50 per side oblique crunch, 3 minute plank.  I did these in between each set of 100 jump ropes.

Fitness christmas woman training


Here’s a modified version of my workout.  I work out a lot at a high intensity.  If you are at the beginning of your fitness, the above workout might be too much for you.  Here’s what you could do instead:

Cardio: 20 minutes of walk/run.  Try to alternate intervals at 2, 3 or 5 minutes.

Weights: 10 machines, (cut out pull up and box jumps) 10 reps, twice

Agility: As many jump ropes as you can, if you can’t jump rope yet, standing jumps, as many as you can. Or find something (a can of soup, a shoe, anything) and jump over it side to side for one minute intervals.

Abs:  Plank for as long as you can, 50 crunches, 50 per side oblique crunches

The point is to do what you can and then do it again! Hope this inspires some of you to get a Christmas workout in before the Roast Beast!

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