Things I’ve Learned about being a Runner #2

Well here I am 5 weeks out from the big race.  Each day I get closer to feeling like a real runner and that I’ll be able to not only finish the race, but actually run it.  I logged 18 miles on my sore legs this week and made it to boxing four times, with a full time job.  I’d say my body and mind are holding up pretty well!

Things I learned this week about running

I see No One – While I am running the course, whatever course that may be, I don’t see hardly anyone.  I probably pass nearly 30 people and countless cars when I run.  I probably only notice 10% of what is around me.   With that being said I ALWAYS notice the hot, fit men with their shirts off! 🙂 The beauty of this point is that I know hardly anyone is noticing me.  If they are, it’s about a 5 second interaction and then I’m gone forever.  I have yet to notice the same person on more than one of my runs.


Real Runners Walk – I have yet to have a discussion with a distance runner that doesn’t walk a least a little.  I always thought people that could run over 5 miles run the entire distance.  This is just not true.  A lot of runners that I envy have admitted to a run/walk/run method.  Every runner plays mind games like, I’ll run to that sign or I’ll run to end of the song.  It’s ok to walk! You’ll notice as you are running that your recovery time should get better each time you run.  I’m down to needing less than 30 seconds to recover my breathing.

There’s a Million Best Methods – Like with dieting, there are a million ways to get the job done.  There are all sorts of running methods to achieve your ideal time and health injury free.  There are a million different ways to fuel your body.  I think the important lesson here is that you find something that works for you.  If you don’t like the method you have chosen, pick something else!  It’s ok to switch even mid training season.  I’m still doing the Jeff Galloway Run/Walk/Run method and loving it.

I Might Always Be Nervous – To this day, before every workout or run, I still get nervous that I can’t do it.  But what’s the worse that could happen? I’m two miles from the house and have to walk home? My body has yet to break down and refuse to go any further.  As long as I can keep moving my legs, I’ll always make it back. I don’t know if this nervous feeling will ever go away.  It leaves within the first few minutes of working out but I think it will always be there.  Maybe it’s my inner fat girl still? Who knows, but I’m ok with this feeling.

I’m Always Disappointed in My Time – I try to consider my time while I run, but not let it change much of what I’m doing.  By the time I get through the first mile, I’ve already settled into a speed and stride that is comfortable on that day.  There are so many things that can effect your time.  People on the course, temperature outside, hydration level and mental fatigue are all going to effect your run.  Also, as I increase my distance, I often find it’s hard to pace myself correctly.  How far is 10 miles really? If I’m in mile 5 now, how should I feel?  The more I run the more my body knows the distance and how fast it can go.  I know I’ll get the hang of this but for now, I’ll always be disappointed with my time and thought I could have gone a little faster.  Maybe it’s just part of my personality too!

Weird Things Happen on Runs – Each run, something bizarre happens.  I have run through an Easter egg hunt.  I’ve been cat-called from the street and honked at.  Yesterday I saw a full set of silverware on the side of the rode.  Today we found a free frosty key tag and saw someone following a runner on a scooter while shouting “Faster!”.  It just happens.  It’s the beauty of life!  Each day I try to take a picture of my run just to remember what I saw that day.


Runner’s Code – I’m really considering starting a Runner’s Code on my course.  Sometimes when I pass people I want to put up my hand to high five them; just to say “I’m doing something sucky and so are you!  High Five!” But……no one seems to want to do that!  I could end up being the total weirdo of City Park, but it would be so nice to have support of fellow runners while you’re out.  Who knows, maybe it will catch on?

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