I Heart Boxing

I’ve now been taking private and semi-private boxing lessons for 6 months with Jameson Bostic and DaVarryl Williamson at PunchDenverBoxing. (Like them on Facebook Here!) I haven’t been writing about it much since my focus has been running. But I can absolutely, 100%, without-a-doubt say that I love it!  Every athlete has a preferred sport and mine is definitely boxing.  When I say that I’m in boxing training, people think that I’m doing kickboxing.  This is not the case. There’s no Tae-bo or jump kicks.  There’s no booty shaking or dance cardio mix. There’s only perfect technique and training. While running comes in a close second, my heart and mind are always excited to walk in to the boxing gym. You can read all about the health benefits of boxing: here.  But I have to say, that’s only a small part of the reason why I love it.

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Boxing classes go faster than any other type of class I’ve taken.  At my gym, PunchDenverBoxing at Touch ‘Em Up, they hold semi-private sessions every night.  A few times a week I also get a private lesson from my trainer, Jameson Bostic.  Whether I’m working with a small group or by myself, the hour goes so quickly.  Most of the time it goes so fast that I stay for a second class :). We start with exercises such as: running, pull ups, push ups, agility work, tricep dips, ab wheels, hula hooping and always plenty of sit ups.  Each night is a little different.  Sometimes we flip tires or do box jumps.  It just depends on the night and the abilities of the group.  Then we get into the punching.  We usually work long combinations with mitts but sometimes do bag work or speed drills.  No matter what, there’s always something to be doing or working on. There’s never time to just stand around and catch your breath. But after almost six months now, I feel very strong at boxing and can see how it’s bled over into my everyday life. Here’s my top four reasons for loving boxing:


1.  I’m never perfect

In boxing there are so many things to think about: Block your face, elbows in, full extension, foot work, pivot, height……..My gym wants it perfect, every time.  At first boxing made me feel totally inadequate. Today my punches aren’t fast enough, yesterday they were too high, tomorrow the will probably be too low.  It’s hard for me not to be perfect.  It’s hard to realize that even when you’re trying 150%, sometimes your body just can’t do what you’re telling it to do.  But when you’re arms are tired and you’ve done this same combination 10 times already, hearing “Perfect” from your trainer is all worth it.  When you hear the sound a good right hand makes on a mitt, you want to hear it over and over. Boxing teaches me that I can’t always be perfect.  Things can go wrong at the last second but with training you can figure out how to improve on the mistake that you’ve made.fighter+not+a+lover


2.  More than just punching

I also love that it isn’t just about punching.  When using proper technique, boxing exercises your whole body.  It takes a ton of control to punch with accuracy.   There’s footwork, breathing, stance and eye contact to think about all outside of the punch you’re about to throw.  Then there is the combination to remember and which punch to throw when.  It’s an accumulation of so many muscles working together that the punch is just a small part of the equation.

3.  Mind Control

It’s really hard to hear “Nope”, “Not good enough”, “How many times have I told you” and so on from your coach.  Really hard.  But it’s worth it to keep going to get the one “Perfect”.  I like being motivated through yelling and being held to a standard no matter what.  I don’t want a coach who accepts my ‘good enough’ attitude when I give it.  I need to be pushed. Because I get this mental practice at the gym, I find it happens in my everyday life at work and at home.  Some people might think that training to be a fighter makes you a fighter all the time.  I’ve found the opposite to be true. Throughout the day I’m calmer.  It’s easier for me to step outside a situation and see it for what it really is.  My demeanor is overall calmer and less stressed because of boxing.

4.  It’s freaking fun

Boxing makes you feel tough!  I now walk around at night with no worries.  I know that if a situation gets out of control, I can defend myself.  Boxing is just fun!  It’s fun for me to see a grown man wince from my punch in the ring.  It’s awesome to get the loudest right hand of the night. It’s fun to watch fights on TV or live and actually know what’s going on.  Boxing is the most fun sport I’ve ever done and I can see myself doing it for quite some time!




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