Time Will Pass Anyway

I feel like this has been my inspiration and motivation through my entire journey: TIME.  Everyone wants more time: More time to sleep, more time to spend with family, more hours in the day.  But how many of us are making choices every day that could takes days, weeks, months or even years off our life?


I want as much time on this Earth with my loved ones as I can get!  That is why I’ve dedicated so much of my time now for time in the future.  It’s true that exercising and dieting do take time but how much time will you be rewarded with in the future?  I stumbled across this quote and used it to motivate me for the last 15 months:

imageI love this quote because it’s so true.  I could have chose to not do anything about my health for this last year.  I could have remained exactly the same but I chose not to.  I had always dreamed of dropping a bunch of weight over the summer.  How cool would it be to show up 40 pounds lighter and surprise my students and coworkers? This time I finally did it. THE TIME WILL PASS ANYWAY, WHAT WILL YOU DO WITH IT?

Over the past year, I watched a lot of people stay the same.  Stay unhappy with their weight, job, home, relationship or even education.  I was definitely one of these people in the past.  I would mention wanting to lose weight but never tried or gave up quickly.  I’ve met a lot of both happy and unhappy people in the past year.  What was the biggest difference between the two? The happy people chose to get there and do whatever work needed to be done to get there.  People discuss losing weight with me all the time but I rarely see those people then make healthy choices in front of me.  I know I can’t start someones journey for them or control anyone else.  BUT I just want to help.  I want them to get to experience what I’ve experienced in this past year.  I wish everyone could feel how I feel.


So here’s my challenge for you: pick one area of your life to change and JUST DO IT. (Thanks Nike) The time will pass anyway and you can choose to change or remain the same.  Trust me.  You’ll be a lot happier with yourself looking back if you do something now.

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