Skinny Bitches

****WARNING: I will be using the B-word in this post.  Sorry. I will use it as little as possible for those of you concerned.

I guess it’s time to bring up one of the most thought about issues by fat girls everywhere: Skinny Bitches.  Now that I’ve dropped the weight and gotten fit, I am often the said B-yotch in the situation.  Not always.  There is usually someone in the room that is thinner or obviously much better looking. I live in Colorado now where we grow our men mountain-strong and women glow from 300 days of sunlight. However, in the right room with the right people, I am that girl.


Now that I write this blog and have made fitness and health such a huge part of my life, I often talk about it with people.  By people I mean…….(well I am my Mother’s child and I live in Colorado where people actually talk to each other) people I meet at the store, at the gym, at school, at restaurants and so on.   Pretty much anywhere you can imagine.  So I have met all kinds of people that are losing weight, need to lose weight, don’t need to lose weight, are worried about their weight, aren’t worried about it, SHOULD be worried about it…….it’s endless.  But one consistent thing I still CAN’T believe is how often a “skinny bitch” is just as worried about their weight as I am.  I have met ALL kinds of women and let me tell you, I can’t believe how many of these women work a lot harder than you would ever think that they do.  Women that don’t worry about their weight are rare!  We all think that no one thinks about it as much as we do.  We think we are the only one to ever think “I’m the ugliest person in the world.” But the truth is, it’s the people that never have that are rare.  It’s this weirdness that actually makes us normal.

So yes, Skinny Bitches do exist.  I have met a few in the wild but they are extremely rare.  These women just have naturally good eating habits and have never really had a weight problem and haven’t had to think about it.  However, the ‘normal’ woman, from what I’ve met, think about weight all the time.  They do think about having a salad now so they can have a steak later.  You see them having drinks because they ran 3 miles before work.  You might see me every otherish Friday with my friend Kelley sharing a plate of green chili and cheese tater tots at a local neighborhood tavern because I go to the gym five times a week.  (I’m just saying it might happen) Just because you don’t know about it doesn’t mean it isn’t happening.

Another Truth is when you are as obese as I was, you wear your weight problem on the outside.  Everyone can see you have a weight problem.  However, a lot of ‘skinny bitches’ have weight problems too.  They have recovering problems.  Or reoccurring problems, Or making sure it doesn’t become a problem.  It’s the same for almost everyone. Even though I’ve reached my goal weight I don’t think I have conquered my weight problem.  I joked with my doctor: “I did it.  I reached my goal weight.  I’m done now.” and she said “Well I guess you can go then!” BUT another truth is I’ll never stop having a weight problem.  Maybe after 10 years? 15? Who knows……..

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