If Only

Yesterday, I stumbled across this article in the LA Times:

Obese Americans now outnumber those who are merely overweight, study says

We have been expecting this to happen for sometime now and in certain age groups, it has.  And I can’t believe how sad it is.

Now that I’ve ‘finished’ my weightloss journey, I continually have mixed feelings about it.  It’s weird the emotional issues that still arise.  But today I want to focus on the physical changes of losing weight, and forget about the mental ones.  Physically, I consider my fitness journey complete.  I am more than happy with my body’s image and abilities.  I can do nearly everything I’ve ever wanted to do.  I still set goals and find it fun to see how much farther I can push my body.  Even though I haven’t stopped, I feel I’ve crossed the finish line physically. Untitled-1


The difference in what my body can do now is amazing.  I’m not posting this to brag or seek compliments but to inspire those that are trying to start.  When I was obese, the list of things that would exhaust me for the day was extensive: helping a friend move, doing laundry all day up two flights of stairs, shopping at multiple stores ……basically life was exhausting.  Now I run around all day and do a million things and then still go to the gym.  My energy level and ability to get things done is SO much higher.

I no longer worry about where my body can fit.  I don’t spend an ounce of energy on chairs, restaurant seats, shopping aisles or public transport.  I never worry about how far I park from the store or walking to meet up with a friend.  I am going to a wedding shower this weekend and don’t have to worry about being ‘the fat friend’.  I just fit in.

If anyone that is morbidly obese like I was could walk in my shoes for a day, they’d lose the weight.  If anyone could feel the back-to-back difference of being morbidly obese to healthy weight, it would be all the motivation they needed.  But, it’s the gradual decrease in weight and the very slow increase of fitness that derails most people in the dieting process.  DON’T STOP.

Today’s post feels a little wander-y but my point is: IT’S TIME.  It’s time to do something about it.  Look around you and how your weight is effecting every part of your life.  You’ve been telling yourself that it isn’t but take a good look.  Today.  Keep a list of all the things you change throughout your day because of your weight.  Make a list of all the people you’re doing it for.  Today is the day.  Do it.  NOW.



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